rhub now avoids a message from recent versions of the R6 package, about the finalize method of an R6 class having to be private.
Using platform aliases works correctly now when selecting platforms.
This is a completely new system, see ?rhubv2
manual page or
the 'Getting started with R-hub v2' article at
https://r-hub.github.io/rhub to start.
Previous functions are now deprecated and defunct. They will be removed in the next version of the package.
Replace platform
parameter with platforms
in check()
Update shortcut for Mac OS platform (@echasnovski, #393)
now works even if there is a NOTE/WARNING/ERROR in one
platform and nothing on other platforms (@fabian-s, #259).
Check results have now a get_ids()
method, to easily query the id(s)
of the check.
now messages that we recommend to fix all NOTEs, WARNINGs
and ERRORs before a CRAN submission when the check results aren't 0 NOTE, 0
now outputs informative messages when any of the builds
of the group hasn't completed (yet, or at all).
now works for packages whose R CMD Check result include
no NOTE/WARNING/ERROR, and gives an informative error message when not all
builds are completed yet.
now prints lines to screen without unwanted indentation.
New local_check_linux()
function to run an R-hub check on the local
host's Docker. New local_check_linux_images()
function to list R-hub
Docker images.
New check_on_solaris()
shortcut to check on Solaris X86, without
building the PDF manual or the vignettes.
New get_check()
function that works with check ids, or a check group id.
and list_my_checks()
now output a tibble
, that
is nicely formatted when printed to the screen.
The output of get_check()
, check()
, check_on_
, check_for_cran()
etc. functions gained
method returning a data.frame
with URLs to the html and
text logs, as well as the artifacts, of the check(s);browse()
method replacing the web()
method for opening the
URLs corresponding to a rhub_check
object.New cran_summary()
method to print a summary for a group or set of
(@jimhester, #94
and @schloerke, #135).First public release.